Blog, Walkways and Driveways

Curved Entranceways Add Style and Value to Your Property

curved entrance ways

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to enhance both the aesthetic appeal and value of their homes and properties. With that said, the team here at Harpeth Valley Hardscapes wants to share with our valued clients some of the many reasons why adding a curved entranceway to your home can help you accomplish your task at hand with style and grace.



A curved entranceway can certainly add both style and charm to your home’s exterior design. Whether you choose a simple entranceway with a stylish curved stairway or even a simple design with luxurious spiral stairs that make their way to your front entrance, our team has got you covered. There are a variety of reasons why adding an entranceway that is curved will enhance your home décor and we want to share some of them with you.



  • Creates and presents with a natural flowing décor and design – A curved entranceway can and will flow easily and elegantly with your home’s existing design and décor. A typical straight entranceway has a rather plain look to it and can almost be out of place for larger homes and properties. Typically, curved driveways or walkways when present will require a front entranceway that is also curved to complete the elegant look. Adhering to the existing curved décor of your property will allow the new design to flow both smoothly and beautifully.
  • Creates a stylish design balance – It is very important to create a balance when designing your front yard landscape and layout. With a curved entranceway you can accomplish this task quite easily. Mixing curved design elements with linear elements will create a very stylish balance. How much curvature you choose will be dependent upon your overall property design. With a modern landscape, for instance, often times a shallow curve at the front entrance can perfectly balance your landscape while adding to its aesthetic appeal.
  • Adds lots of style, charm and even grace -A curved entranceway can most definitely add a whole lot of charm and pizzazz to your front décor. Spiral staircases are incredibly elaborate and though they require far more professional expertise, are well worth the grace and charm they add to your home’s overall curb appeal. Further, they will most assuredly add to the overall value of your home as well.
  • Adds a practical approach to designing your front yard – If your property is smaller, you can save a good deal of space by installing a curved entranceway that is directed toward the side of your home. In addition, a curved design that is completely circular and only steps away from your front entrance can provide efficient use of your property by also serving as a patio space for family and friends.


Here at Harpeth Valley Hardscapes our team of highly skilled and dedicated specialists and contractors are committed to providing only the highest quality services to all our valued clients. Our team takes pride in our top-of-the-line hardscape designs we offer, including some of the most eloquent curved entranceway designs this side of the state. For more information about our products and services or to schedule a free consultation with one of our team, give a shout out to our staff today. We look forward to serving you and to helping you choose the ideal front entrance design for your home that will certainly make you the envy of all your neighbors.

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